Call to look out for signs of modern slavery

We are raising awareness of modern slavery as our proactive officers continue to disrupt crime and protect the vulnerable across Staffordshire.
Trafficked victims are being hidden in plain sight in businesses across the county, with money from unsuspecting customers funding serious and organised crime.
Modern slavery can take many forms but the most common are sexual exploitation, forced labour and domestic servitude.
We are supporting a national Crimestoppers campaign asking people to speak up and not remain silent when the criminals are known to them, or if they suspect someone is a victim of modern slavery.Detective Inspector Christopher Wynn-Jones, from our modern slavery and adult safeguarding teams, said: “Thousands of people in the UK are trapped in conditions of modern slavery and it is happening here in Staffordshire.“It exists across our high streets in beauty salons, nail bars, car washes, building sites and even care settings. In some cases, these businesses act as a front for other criminal activities, such as drug cultivation and dealing, forced prostitution, and money laundering.“Our officers take part in specialist training to enhance their understanding of modern slavery and to provide better outcomes for victims. We also have dedicated adult safeguarding and modern slavery teams, who work alongside partner agencies on proactive operations.”On Monday 20 May, we went to an address in Burton-on-Trent following concerns over the welfare of several people who were believed to be being forced to work for a small amount of money each day.The team attended and spoke with the individuals and made sure they were safeguarded and signposted to the correct agencies for support.The signs aren’t always obvious but these are some that you may notice:
• If an individual is scared and withdrawn
• They have unexplained injuries
• No access to passport or documents
• Limited contact with family, or outside world
• They don’t know their home or work address
• They are distrustful of the authorities
• Poor hygiene and unkempt appearance
• Signs their movements are being controlled
• Allows others to speak for them when addressed directlyAnyone who is worried that someone may be a victim of modern slavery can contact us on 101, or through our Live Chat facility on our website. In an emergency, always call 999.To report anonymously, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
For further information on the Crimestoppers campaign, visit:
We launched Operation Target in May last year and have been working with local police forces to disrupt and pursue criminals who plan, organise and commit serious criminal offences across the county, including drug supply, illegal firearms, knife crime, human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
To read more about the work we’ve been doing, visit: