Changes to conservation areas in Stoke-on-Trent

Residents can give their views on how the distinctive character and appearance of four of Stoke-on-Trent’s conservation areas should be preserved or enhanced.
Conservation areas are parts of the city that have special historic interest or architectural qualities that deserve to be preserved and enhanced. There are currently 22 designated conservation areas in Stoke-on-Trent.
Following a review of conservation areas across the city, Stoke-on-Trent City Council has made Article 4 Directions in four of its conservation areas, and have made a Direction to cancel any current Article 4 Directions in one of its conservation areas.
The Article 4 Direction is proposed to assist the council in preserving and retaining features within the area that contribute to its distinctive character and appearance and which help to protect local amenities and the well-being of the area.
The council is inviting comments on:
Albert Square, Fenton
Caldon Canal
Trent and Mersey Canal
Penkhull Village
If these directions are confirmed, they shall supersede any previous directions that may have been made concerning the specified area.
Councillor Chris Robinson, cabinet member for housing, regeneration and planning said, “This is the final step in a major project to review all of the conservation areas and associated Article 4 Directions in the city.
“By introducing additional controls, the Article 4 Directions both facilitate the management of proposed development within certain conservation areas and protect against changes that would prove detrimental to their preservation and appearance.
“It will help to preserve/safeguard and repurpose our treasured physical assets for future generations, contributing to a sustainable future for heritage in the city.”
A list of the proposed Article 4 Directions can be found at
Representations are invited from Monday 29 July to Monday 9 September at 5:00pm. If the Article 4 Directions are confirmed, they will come into force on Monday 2 December.
Comments can be made by emailing or by letter for the attention of Andrew Powell to Civic Centre, Glebe Street, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 1HH. Should you require assistance contact Andrew Powell via telephone on 01782 23384.