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Karen Bradley MP Column 02.01.23

As we move into the New Year, it is time to look back and reflect on the many events of 2022. It has certainly been an eventful year in politics with three Prime Ministers and many changes in Government as well as the sad death of HM Queen Elizabeth II and the terrible war in Ukraine.

As we came out of the pandemic, it was good to be able to attend events in person again. I was delighted to host events such as my Pensioners Fair and my Community Volunteers Celebration and would like to thank everyone who helped with these and took part. As always, it is a privilege to be invited to many local events such as the Leek Show, Leek Club Day, the Biddulph Festival and the Christmas Lights event – just to mention a few.

I have also visited local schools, businesses and farms and was pleased to have been involved in the Biddulph-Bieruń initiative, helping Ukrainian refugees in Poland.

In Westminster, I have spoken in debates, presented petitions and raised your concerns with Ministers. I am honoured to have been elected as Chair of the Inter Parliamentary Union and to be able to represent the British Parliament abroad in this way. I have also continued my work on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking and as Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group have hosted many calls and meetings on this important issue.

I run a busy constituency office in Leek where my staff and I do our best to help. My team have been exceptionally busy this year and we have assisted with approximately 4,500 individual cases, many of which are quite personal and sensitive. I am pleased to help where I can and to be a loud voice for local residents.

I wish everyone in Staffordshire Moorlands a very Happy New Year!

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