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Leek McDonald’s decision today

Today, March 9th, is the day when Staffordshire moorlands district council planning committee decide on the proposed McDonalds restaurant near to Sainsbury’s in Leek.

The application is recommended for approval subject to conditions and the completion of a Unilateral Undertaking relating to Management of a Travel Plan.

This application has been brought before the Planning Applications Committee due to a high level of public interest.

123 objections have been received against the application based on Childhood obesity, Traffic concerns and leek loosing heritage appeal.

1352 letters of support have been received based with the principles being

“McDonald’s will be better for the area than leaving the site vacant. The area is already used for retail and is located off the main road so wont impact too much on traffic.

The unit will complement existing businesses.

The applicants are a sustainable and regulated fast food chain. Other “fast food” takeaways that have been in Leek for years are not sustainable, eco-friendly and are not regulated and operated the same. Will be in keeping with the Town centre.

Will bring into use a vacant site.

McDonald’s spend a lot of time cleaning in the local community something leek needs.”

The planning meeting begins at 2pm today

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