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Recycling centres offer helping hand for local charities

Churnet sound news

Charities in Staffordshire will benefit from a new partnership with the county council’s recycling centres.


Around a dozen or more agreed charities will be able to collect donations from their local Staffordshire County Council Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) and use them for their work.


Talks are already underway with various groups ranging from community organisations and bodies supporting the victims of domestic violence, to animal welfare charities and housing associations.


Simon Tagg, Staffordshire County Council’s Cabinet member for Environment, Infrastructure and Climate Change, said: “Previously everything was brought to a single central location for one charity to make use of.


“That was very successful, but now we want to help as many charities as possible across the whole county.”


Traditionally donated items can includes furniture, household items, children’s toys, baby items, gardening equipment and bric-a-brac.


All Staffordshire’s operating HWRCs will accept donations and store them on site for regular collection.


Simon Tagg added: “Not only does this initiative support local charities’ work in their communities, it recycles perfectly good things for a purpose rather than being scrapped.“And by connecting HWRCs with nearby charities it reduces the environmental impact of the scheme as everything is reused locally.”


*If you operate a Staffordshire charity and would be able to collect donations for sale or reuse locally and wish to discuss a possible partnership, please contact .

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